Posts Tagged:meddpicc

Blended Learning

Online Courses & AI Alone Haven’t Made Any Seller an A-Player

While eLearning, digital learning with online courses, and, generally speaking, automated learning methods have transformed the landscape of professional training, offering remarkable tools for theoretical learning and preliminary practice, they cannot fully encapsulate the efficient, interactive, and highly personalized nature of blended sales training when used alone. The development of core sales skills—particularly those involving interpersonal interactions, real-time decision-making, and adaptive strategies—still requires the depth and flexibility of live training sessions, either virtual or in person. For businesses looking to develop top-tier sales professionals, a blended approach that combines the best of both eLearning and live sessions will likely be the most effective strategy. 

Crush your goals

Crush Your Goals: 5 Tips for B2B Sellers at Quarter Start

How To Crush Your Goals this quarter A new quarter brings fresh opportunities and a renewed focus on achieving goals. If you are an enterprise B2B account executive, the beginning of a quarter is a critical time to set the stage for success and to crush your goals. Here are our top 5 actionable strategies:…

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aristotle meddic sales meddpicc

Aristotle Walks Into A Sales Meeting

This article draws a parallel between Aristotle’s ancient principles of persuasion—Ethos (credibility), Logos (logic), and Pathos (emotional appeal)—and the modern MEDDPICC sales methodology, emphasizing the role of Metrics in sales strategies. Metrics turn subjective claims into objective, measurable gains, aiding the decision-making process by quantifying a solution’s impact and the pain of the problem it addresses.

Leadership role meddic sales training

Keys To Successful Sales Training: 1/ The Role Of The Leadership

In the fast-paced world of sales, where every deal counts and every opportunity is a potential game-changer, mastering the art of effective sales training is non-negotiable. A successful sales training can have a huge impact in revenue. One methodology that has gained substantial traction in recent years is MEDDIC or its more advanced version MEDDPICC.…

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it's the metrics stupid

It’s The METRICS, Stupid.

In the world of business, decisions are often guided by one underlying principle: return on investment (ROI) , something directly resulting from METRICS. While this may sound like a no-brainer, the complexity lies in understanding how various factors contribute to this crucial metric. Just as the Clinton campaign famously declared, “It’s the economy, stupid,” back…

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use ai to write a meddic email

How to use AI to write a MEDDIC email to the Economic Buyer

In this article, I will share a practical case study of using AI to write a MEDDIC email to the Economic Buyer. The case I describe below is a real case in which I have changed the name of the clients/prospects. In other words, the specifics of the industry, the KPIs and the metrics are…

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Discipline in sales is more important than sales skills

Discipline in sales separates the great from the mediocre. According to best-selling author Anthony Iannarino, it can mean the difference between success and failure. Discipline in sales is even more important than sales skills because skills won’t help you if you lack discipline. Discipline is the mother of all skills.  Some may argue that motivation…

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Tokyo Olympics 2021-German judo athlete Martyna Trajdos and her coach


Sales coaching has become very popular in recent years, and it’s easy to see why. Studies have shown that companies with sales coaching programs boost their win rates by almost 30%. That rate jumps to over 40% with weekly 30-minute coaching sessions and more than 55% for reps who receive more than 2 hours of coaching per…

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Reasons why MEDDIC

12 Reasons Why Sales Leaders Need A MEDDPICC Training Now!

Why a MEDDPICC Training now? Sales leaders are usually conscious of the continuous need for training for their teams. However, they don’t necessarily see the specific issues and challenges they face every day, which could be resolved with our educational programs here at MEDDIC Academy. So how to know if there is an urgent need?…

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Chateau MEDDIC

AI Produced Wine, Château MEDDIC™, Helps Sellers Learn MEDDPICC® Faster

Legal Disclaimer: Alcohol abuse is dangerous to your health (read more). Château MEDDIC™ is not affiliated with Château MÉDOC . At MEDDIC Academy, our mission is to make Enterprise Sales easy and accessible to all. Since our inception five years ago, we have constantly been innovating with modern ways to learn: Multimedia: Videos/Audio Book (Always…

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