Posts Tagged:metrics

aristotle meddic sales meddpicc

Aristotle Walks Into A Sales Meeting

This article draws a parallel between Aristotle’s ancient principles of persuasion—Ethos (credibility), Logos (logic), and Pathos (emotional appeal)—and the modern MEDDPICC sales methodology, emphasizing the role of Metrics in sales strategies. Metrics turn subjective claims into objective, measurable gains, aiding the decision-making process by quantifying a solution’s impact and the pain of the problem it addresses.

it's the metrics stupid

It’s The METRICS, Stupid.

In the world of business, decisions are often guided by one underlying principle: return on investment (ROI) , something directly resulting from METRICS. While this may sound like a no-brainer, the complexity lies in understanding how various factors contribute to this crucial metric. Just as the Clinton campaign famously declared, “It’s the economy, stupid,” back…

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