All the questions you have in regards with the MEDDIC Sales Qualification Methodology that you never dared to ask.
We offer both online and offline (in-person, face-to-face) training, as well as Coaching. Online, we offer both self-paced and instructor-led training. More on our services here. And please contact us for a quote for your team at your location.
Yes, you receive a “Certificate of Completion” for attending the courses. You can also get MEDDIC Certified™ by taking the certification program, including the test and the interview. More details here.
Downloads aren’t necessary. With constant internet access being the norm, there’s no practical difference between having the content stored on your device or available in your member space—provided you have an active subscription.
It’s important to note that the content is proprietary, and we don’t sell it outright. Subscriptions grant access to videos and slides for the duration of your subscription—typically one year, with the option to renew at a reduced cost. If you decide to terminate your subscription, your access to the materials and tools will no longer continue.
Additionally, keeping the content online ensures it’s always up to date. This prevents outdated materials from being circulated and guarantees that you’re receiving the most accurate, current information directly from the source.
While this may differ from older practices, most of our users find this approach works seamlessly in practice. It’s simply a shift from 20th-century habits 😉 and we’re confident you’ll find it equally convenient and effective.
First, you are not obliged to keep the subscription. You can subscribe and pay once, and if you are absolutely sure you do not want to renew, you can cancel immediately. You won’t be charged next year, but you will enjoy access to the content until the end of the period you already paid. You can also wait and see if there is value in keeping your subscription and cancel anytime later. Canceling automatic renewal is easy: Login to your dashboard. On the upper right corner, to the right of your name, under the little arrow choose “account”, then “billing” on the left menu, then cancel the subscription.
Now, why is it a subscription? Because we believe the need for learning Enterprise Sales Techniques is an ongoing one, not a one-time need. From time to time, we add new courses in the bundle, which will come free to existing subscribers As an example, in April 2019, we included the ROI course in the bundle. In some cases, we will increase the price, especially when we add new content, but if you are on a subscription, your price won’t increase at the time of renewal. Also, we will renew the videos some time in the future. If you are subscribed, you’ll get them for free. Finally, we all need to review the tips. Statistics show that we forget training within a couple of weeks if not practiced. By having permanent access to the courses, you can review a given module or the whole course as a reminder. So these are all the reasons why it’s a subscription. It’s up to you to purchase it as a one-time course (by canceling the subscription after purchase) or to keep it as a subscription.
If you have completed the course, your certificate is in your account. To see it follow these steps:
Since we add new content to the courses now and then, it is possible that you were previously at 99% complete, but due to the introduction of a new lesson or module, you are no longer at 99% but for instance, 91%. In that case, you just need to complete it to generate the certificate. But if a certificate was generated before, meaning that at a given time you reached 100%, even if the % drops, the certificate won’t disappear.
The short answer is: Sorry, we don’t provide manual invoices in addition to the automated receipts which are generated from the platform.
More explanations: Please understand we are no different than any e-commerce website. How do you buy from Amazon? Do they prepare custom manual invoices for a $300 purchase and send you by PDF? It’s no different with us. It’s called e-commerce. Sales are automated. That’s how the prices are this low. If we had to do something manually, it would be at different prices. You should satisfy yourself with the standard receipt you receive or go with the Enterprise purchase:
No. We don’t discount. Our alumni make mostly 6 figures $ in annual income. There is no point in discounting a $600 or even a $3k course to help sign $M deals? Or even to sign $5k deals? If you learn just one useful tip, it pays off with your first sale. The value of our courses is well more than what we charge, and the ROI is enormous. Check it out here. Experience shows the clients who ask for a discount are usually not in our target audience. Price should not be the reason for taking our courses. BTW, Darius, our founder, believes that discounting a sales course is a kind of an oxymoron! A sales trainer is supposed to teach you how to sell value and not to discount. Beware of any sales training company that discounts their products or services. That said, we do offer specials occasionally and when we do, which is rare, we always post it on our blog and company page on social media.
If LinkedIn is the only option to sign up or sign into the platform, that’s it. LinkedIn is the dominant professional network that we use ONLY for authentication to protect our platform and community. We discuss this further in our terms of services and privacy policy (links in the footnote).
Corporate programs and Enterprise clients DO NOT NEED to go through LinkedIn since we have other ways to authenticate the users.
You can easily do so here. Just enter the email address on file and look for a link in your mailbox to the payment portal powered by Stripe. As a reminder, we don’t have access to your credit card and won’t be able to do this on our end, but our customer payment portal powered by Stripe allows you to do that.
You can easily cancel your subscription at any time. Login to your dashboard. On the upper right corner, to the right of your name, under the little arrow choose “account”, then “billing” on the left menu, then cancel the subscription.
Pain for sure. Remember, there is no order in the 6 elements of MEDDIC. It’s a checklist after all. However, any sales process starts with the discovery of the issues. So identifying the pain is where you start. Metrics may even be not pertinent if focused on the wrong pain.
In most cases, if the Champion refuses to take you to the EB, there is a high chance they are not your champion. But sometimes it’s more complicated than this, and you need to be smart about it, or you may pull out of a great opportunity by applying MEDDIC in the wrong way.
First, meeting with the Economic Buyer (aka EB) is absolutely a must to secure the deal, make it bigger and close it sooner. However, this frequently asked question here is specifically about meeting the EB early in the sales process:
In 90% of cases, the Champion should take us to the EB, even in the early stage. In some rare cases, the EB just does not meet with vendors. For instance, at the beginning of a purchasing process at a large enterprise that is talking to 6 competitors, the EB may want to avoid meeting every vendor and only meet with the 2 finalists at a later stage. Yet we still need to :
Also, the Champion’s reason for not taking us to the EB should make sense. Most importantly, the champion needs to have passed our “tests”. Refer to the section about “How to Test the Champion” in the MEDDIC Course. If the champion has already proven to be one, has changed some decision criteria in our favor, or a few other tests proving that he/she is a solid champion, and he/she insists that there is no way we can meet the EB at this stage and promises a later meeting with EB, then based on our judgment we may decide that the EB box is checked at this stage and keep going and avoid pulling out of a great opportunity.
If they are not for you and can’t be influenced/modified, not only can you pull out, but also YOU HAVE TO! You need to prospect more and get into the accounts before they start writing RFPs. You need to “help them” write those RFPs. Very often, if you are not involved in writing the RFP, and you receive it by email (or even through the mail) as first contact, then the a high chance you would be wasting your time with those RFPs. If this is frequent in a team (Government Sales, for instance), it means that the sales and marketing are not efficient in influencing the market. It shows that you, as a rep, are not prospecting enough. My advice: stop working on that “bad RFP” and spend that time prospecting new deals.
The relationship with your champion is an ongoing relationship. It starts by identifying potential champions and grows crescendo through steps: test, create rapport, test, look for the personal win, test, develop, … If you have constant regular contact with the champion, exchanging information and taking them through the line above, you will progressively build a solid relationship. If something goes wrong, you would be able to know, by correlation to other events, what went wrong and why. You will be able to correct it. If you check the champion against the characteristics described in the MEDDIC course, you will never take a coach for a champion.
Yes. This can happen in an SMB. When you are selling CRM to a mid-size company, it’s not odd to have the CEO or the CFO being your EB and the Champion at the same time. The smaller the size of the company, the more this can happen. The larger the size of the company, the more you’ll have the probability of needing several champions and a complex decision process, but always one single EB.
No. Actually, when fewer people are involved, the decision process is obviously easier; you can enlarge the size and shorten the sales cycle easier. It happens more often in the SMB context. For instance, when you are selling a strategic technology such as ERP to a small or medium size business, there is a high chance your Champion and EB are both the same person: the CEO.
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MEDDPICC® is a registered trademark of Darius Lahoutifard and should not be used without prior written permission from MEDDIC Academy.
"MEDDIC Academy" and "MEDDIC Certified" are trademarks belonging to MEDDIC Academy and should not be used without prior written permission from MEDDIC Academy.
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