Posts Tagged:Sales

Chateau MEDDIC

AI Produced Wine, Château MEDDIC™, Helps Sellers Learn MEDDPICC® Faster

Legal Disclaimer: Alcohol abuse is dangerous to your health (read more). Château MEDDIC™ is not affiliated with Château MÉDOC . At MEDDIC Academy, our mission is to make Enterprise Sales easy and accessible to all. Since our inception five years ago, we have constantly been innovating with modern ways to learn: Multimedia: Videos/Audio Book (Always…

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Why You Should Never Ask About A Customer’s Budget

In Transactional sales, Budget is key In transactional sales with a short sales cycle and low value-added sales, it’s been prevalent to use the customer’s budget to qualify a sales opportunity. It makes sense. The budget is a crucial qualifier. The Budget is even a pillar of the framework for several older sales methodologies and…

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Everything you ever wanted to know about MEDDIC & MEDDPICC and never dared ask.

Well, maybe not exactly “everything” about MEDDIC & MEDDPICC, but quite an interesting interview ( in the form of podcast/video) with Steve Benson. Steve is an experienced leader in CRM and Sales Force Automation with a strong sales background obviously. So he asked me very pertinent questions. Our chat gave me the opportunity to share…

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MEDDIC Sales Kickoff : The Perfect Agenda

A MEDDIC Sales kickoff should be inspirational, short and valuable. I’m sure everyone agrees with that. But what is an inspirational event? For example, you might be wondering, “should we invest in a top-notch motivational speaker?” Or “should we take them to the luxury resort of their dreams?”  Time is your sales force’s most valuable asset.…

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What works best? call, email, text, or …?

Should you call or email? Whether you are in a customer facing role or simply professionally interacting with other people, I’m sure you have come across this question more than once: Should you call, text or email? This question has become even more present in our minds in the past few years, due to the…

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Photo Credit: Mark-Fayloga

A POC (or a POV) Is A Ceremony

What if I told you that a highly competitive POC (Proof of Concept), aka POV (Proof of Value), is more like The Presidential Inauguration ceremony than the NFL Super Bowl match? Think about it for a minute. Is a POC, a trial, or a pilot project in an enterprise sales context, a match between competitors,…

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MEDDIC trends

MEDDIC for sales job seekers

If you are looking for a new job in sales, you should learn MEDDIC. No, not because we are MEDDIC Academy, you should do so because it’s a must for many sales jobs. Here’s why: 10 out of top 10 Enterprise Tech companies use MEDDIC They use MEDDIC as a sales methodology. Those companies are:…

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Announcing Live Online MEDDIC Workshops

Why Live Online MEDDIC Workshops? You may wonder why Live Online MEDDIC Workshop? As you know, MEDDIC Academy is committed to make high-end exclusive Enterprise Sales methodologies accessible to a larger number of sales executives, including those individuals with a personal initiative and commitment to learn MEDDIC. Until now we have been successfully delivering trainings…

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Sales Job Titles

The Word “sales” In The Job Title!

Is Sales in your job title? There are so many people who avoid the word “sales” in the job titles. They prefer Account Executive, Account Manager, business development, but not “sales”. If you are in sales and you are one of those people not liking the word “sales” you’re probably not done for this job!…

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7 habits sales people on weekends Darius Lahoutifard

Seven Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople On Weekends

Happy Weekend! During my career, I have observed successful business people, whether they were in sales, in leadership or self employed and have heard them talking about some similar habits on weekends. Based on seven top habits that I have seen, here are my recommendations for your weekends. 1. Entertain yourself and enjoy the time…

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