Posts Tagged:Sales

Metric without ROI

Metrics without ROI is Knowledge without Action

When training sales teams on MEDDIC, I observe that most sales people are not acting on the METRICS they obtain from the prospect. They are not leveraging the power of the METRICS into a nice, easy, convincing, pertinent ROI story. (Return On Investment).Metrics without ROI is as useless as Knowledge without Action.It’s like measuring your…

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More International Courses Released Today

MEDDIC Academy Releases More International Courses Today Today we released three more french courses online: Développer des champions Traitement des Objections ROI ou Retour sur Investissement Building Champions or “Comment développer des champions?” In another course, entitled “CHAMPION” which is part of the MEDDIC bundle you learn who the champions are and why it is…

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Salesforce is killing it

Salesforce is killing it, CRM tools experience hyper growth but why are sellers failing?

Salesforce is killing it, CRM tools experience hyper growth, but why are sellers failing? . . Read why here:

CRM Tools Dont Sell Well Trained Sellers Do

CRM Tools Don’t Sell. Well Trained Sellers Do!

Salesforce is killing it! But Sales Win Rates are dropping! Why? just wrapped up another successful DreamForce with the all times high hype for the CRM company and its whole ecosystem. The company has reached an ARR of $10B and still growing at over 25% per year. (On a side note, we are proud…

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meddic academy

Don’t Fake It! Instead, Make It!

They tell you: “FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT” If you are in technology, especially if you are in the Silicon Valley, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have been advised to FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT. If you are an entrepreneur, you have heard this from your mentor, your investors, or…

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Challenging The Challenger Sale

Challenging the Challenger Sale

What is The Challenger Sale? The Challenger Sale is a great concept. It is described in a book with that name , brilliantly authored by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson. Before reading their book and being exposed to the concept, as a long time sales leader, I always considered that the best sales reps are…

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Meddic: Urgency, Value, Pain

Growth Hacking Enterprise SaaS Sales

A version of this article was initially published on Venture Beat in 2 parts. Growth Hacking Enterprise SaaS Sales What’s new in Sales? You have heard many examples of successful growth hacking techniques mainly used in BtoC websites, social networks, and marketplaces. Facebook, Twitter, and Airbnb have great stories about how they hacked their growth.…

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