Category Archive for: Sales


MEDDIC Sales Kickoff : The Perfect Agenda

A MEDDIC Sales kickoff should be inspirational, short and valuable. I’m sure everyone agrees with that. But what is an inspirational event? For example, you might be wondering, “should we invest in a top-notch motivational speaker?” Or “should we take them to the luxury resort of their dreams?”  Time is your sales force’s most valuable asset.…

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MEDDIC Sales Process

MEDDIC As A Sales Process

Yes, I wrote “process” MEDDIC is NOT a Sales Process During the course “Introduction to MEDDIC” at MEDDIC Academy, I explain that there is no such thing as the MEDDIC sales process (or the MEDDPICC® Sales process). There, I also explain that MEDDIC is a sales methodology which works with your existing sales process. In…

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MEDDPICC Score Calculator

MEDDIC & MEDDPICC Score Calculator

The MEDDIC & MEDDPICC Score Calculator is a tool that helps sellers and sales managers measure how ready an opportunity is to get closed. Why The MEDDPICC Score Calculator? In the past few years, many of our learners and managers have asked us to provide them with “tools” such as checklists, Scorecards, “blue sheets,” CRM…

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What works best? call, email, text, or …?

Should you call or email? Whether you are in a customer facing role or simply professionally interacting with other people, I’m sure you have come across this question more than once: Should you call, text or email? This question has become even more present in our minds in the past few years, due to the…

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sales methodology

Sales Culture vs. Sales Methodology

Sales culture is a set of habits and behaviors of a sales team in a consistent way. That’s both internally and externally.

Photo Credit: Mark-Fayloga

A POC (or a POV) Is A Ceremony

What if I told you that a highly competitive POC (Proof of Concept), aka POV (Proof of Value), is more like The Presidential Inauguration ceremony than the NFL Super Bowl match? Think about it for a minute. Is a POC, a trial, or a pilot project in an enterprise sales context, a match between competitors,…

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Migration to New Certificates

We are posting this little note to inform you about our new certificate system. It’s nothing fundamentally different than the previous system; it’s just a bit easier and faster to generate your certificate of completion when you complete the full MEDDIC bundle course. Some of you may have seen their new certificates since they went…

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Meddic the book

[update] MEDDIC The Book, Is Here!

[UPDATE]: Registration closed. The book is out. Grab your copy here. I’m excited to announce the arrival of my new book. No surprise! Of course it’s about sales qualification. ALWAYS BE QUALIFYING. You are welcome to call it MEDDIC-The-Book. More on it later. For now, sign up to get on the list to be notified.…

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VILT virtual MEDDIC Workshops

At MEDDIC Academy, we have been running vILT, or Virutal Instruction Led Training sessions since inception. Our sessions allow a number of participants varying from a handful up to 80, all on camera with no issues. Of course the smaller the group, the more efficient the session! Blended Learning is still buzzing for us For…

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