Category Archive for: Sales

Leadership role meddic sales training

Keys To Successful Sales Training: 1/ The Role Of The Leadership

In the fast-paced world of sales, where every deal counts and every opportunity is a potential game-changer, mastering the art of effective sales training is non-negotiable. A successful sales training can have a huge impact in revenue. One methodology that has gained substantial traction in recent years is MEDDIC or its more advanced version MEDDPICC.…

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it's the metrics stupid

It’s The METRICS, Stupid.

In the world of business, decisions are often guided by one underlying principle: return on investment (ROI) , something directly resulting from METRICS. While this may sound like a no-brainer, the complexity lies in understanding how various factors contribute to this crucial metric. Just as the Clinton campaign famously declared, “It’s the economy, stupid,” back…

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use ai to write a meddic email

How to use AI to write a MEDDIC email to the Economic Buyer

In this article, I will share a practical case study of using AI to write a MEDDIC email to the Economic Buyer. The case I describe below is a real case in which I have changed the name of the clients/prospects. In other words, the specifics of the industry, the KPIs and the metrics are…

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sales training and coaching during economic downturn

Sales Training & Coaching During Economic Downturn

Sales leaders are usually very aware of the benefits of sales training and coaching in general. However, it’s tempting for them to cut costs wherever possible in times of economic uncertainty. Sales leaders should not sacrifice the Sales Training & Coaching budget. Maintaining or increasing your investment in coaching and training during a downturn can…

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Why taking action is important in sales

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar Sales is all about taking action and accepting the challenge. If a sales team doesn’t take action and sit and wait for the phone to ring or for emails to pour in, nothing is going to…

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Celebrate Sales

Why You Should Celebrate Meddic Sales Wins

Sales are critical to the success of any business. In fact, without sales, there will be no revenue or growth and ultimately complete failure. Celebrating MEDDIC sales wins or MEDDPICC sales wins is a great way to reward the hard work and effort of the sales team. In this article, we will look at why…

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Who Leads Your Schedule?

Who is leading your schedule? Not sure? Check on the last ten things you have done today so far, including reading this article. Did you check social media? Did you answer a call or an email or join a meeting, or was there something else that took up your time? The important question to ask…

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Your Why

We Are Who We Are Because Of Our Decisions

We are who we are not because of our parents’ status, our place of birth, our education, or even our initial success or failures, but mostly because of the decisions we have made. Each decision affects our journey through life, especially our careers. In fact, recruiters often look at the decisions you’ve made in the…

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Discipline in sales is more important than sales skills

Discipline in sales separates the great from the mediocre. According to best-selling author Anthony Iannarino, it can mean the difference between success and failure. Discipline in sales is even more important than sales skills because skills won’t help you if you lack discipline. Discipline is the mother of all skills.  Some may argue that motivation…

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Sales teams should focus on sales skills more than sales automation.

Sales Automation Tools can be very effective but lead some salespeople to rely on them almost entirely. This is a mistake because sales automation is supposed to help the sales process, not be the process. It’s only a tool and sales should focus on skills to improve real performance like analyzing, qualifying, and closing quality…

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