Category Archive for: MEDDIC

sales methodology

Sales Culture vs. Sales Methodology

Sales culture is a set of habits and behaviors of a sales team in a consistent way. That’s both internally and externally.

Photo Credit: Mark-Fayloga

A POC (or a POV) Is A Ceremony

What if I told you that a highly competitive POC (Proof of Concept), aka POV (Proof of Value), is more like The Presidential Inauguration ceremony than the NFL Super Bowl match? Think about it for a minute. Is a POC, a trial, or a pilot project in an enterprise sales context, a match between competitors,…

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Meddic the book

[update] MEDDIC The Book, Is Here!

[UPDATE]: Registration closed. The book is out. Grab your copy here. I’m excited to announce the arrival of my new book. No surprise! Of course it’s about sales qualification. ALWAYS BE QUALIFYING. You are welcome to call it MEDDIC-The-Book. More on it later. For now, sign up to get on the list to be notified.…

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What Is The Value Triangle The Value Triangle is a subset of the customer’s Decision Criteria that we, as a vendor, satisfy and that our competition does not. The larger it is the better the deal is qualified. Best sellers focus on it, enlarge it, make sure it’s solid, review it often with the client…

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Decision Criteria MEDDIC MEDDPICC

New Course: Decision Criteria

Decision Criteria are one of the most important concepts of MEDDIC and sales qualification. Deals are often won or lost at the time the Decision Criteria are defined and written. We have great news for both our existing premium subscribers and future subscribers. We have significantly updated the content of this mini course. This course…

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gift to meddic subscribers

The New Course “SAY NO” Is Now Free For Existing Subscribers

Great News! The new course “SAY NO” is now part of our best seller bundles (packages). If you are an existing subscriber to the Full MEDDIC Bundle, you can now enjoy the course “SAY NO” at no additional charge, since it’s now part of the bundle. If you are not yet a subscriber, now for…

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Full MEDDIC Program Now Available Online

Until now, the Full MEDDIC program, composed of courses and a workshop, was only available in-person. But now you can do it all online! The full MEDDIC bundle, our most popular service, is still available. It allows everyone from the comfort of the office or home, to enroll and learn MEDDIC. Many corporations subscribe to…

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Symptoms Requiring Immediate MEDDIC Training

Enterprise sellers may look healthy, be in great shape, be fun to interact with, show amazing forecasts at the beginning of the quarter but sometimes despite the great look, they find reasons why their deals didn’t close on time. They may show signs and symptoms that prove they need an in-dept MEDDIC training and workshop.…

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BANT banned

Should BANT Be Banned?

This week I was privileged to be invited to speak at a Sales Kick Off in Chicago and to spend time with a wonderful sales team. As we were reviewing qualification criteria from the sales rep’s perspective, a question was asked about BUDGET which is the B of BANT. My response was different than what…

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Is There A MEDDIC In The Area?

In addition to the courses that you can take online, we run extremely helpful MEDDIC workshops that we only deliver in-person for now. They help you learn how to apply MEDDIC on a daily basis and practice.

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