Announcing MEDDIC Certification

Photo credit O.Lima

Get MEDDIC Certified™ !

When I started offering online courses on MEDDIC Academy, I had only one goal: to share my knowledge and translate the proven (and older) techniques of management and business into the millennials’ language. I was not expecting such a fast adoption by the market. The consequence is that MEDDIC learners and their employers are now expressing needs and driving the future developments.

One of the most frequently asked features/programs we have been hearing is the certification. A standard definition of a series of skills that a sales person needs to master, certified by a trusted third party. And that’s what we are announcing today. The MEDDIC Certified™ program will allow employers to hire MEDDIC Certified™ sales persons with a much higher level of confidence and a guarantee of objective validation by a trusted third party. Moreover, with this program, Sales persons will soon be able to show their verifiable credentials.

Effective immediately we are accepting candidates for certification, while working on the automation of the certification process. The program is composed of 2 exams; first a written test that candidates can work on their own, followed by an interview through video conference where the examiner verifies the authenticity of the written answers and asks additional questions before validating (or not) the MEDDIC-Certified™ credential of the candidate. The two exams, written and oral combined, is expected to take less than an hour to perform.

How we do it?

We are using the Open Badges standard, to generate authenticatable portable digital badges with meta data of the credentials baked into them, which can be used by the candidates on their resumes or their online profiles. The technology allows anyone seeing those badges to verify if they are authentic.

That’s not all; we are also automating the credentials for existing courses using the same Open Badges standard. Now automated certificate of completions are issued by our partner Accredible delivering digital certificates. These certificates are issued for the full MEDDIC bundle. As for those who only enroll in the free Introduction to MEDDIC, “LinkedIn Skills” are now enabled for those who want to show their MEDDIC skills on their LinkedIn profile. These credentials are made available on the last page of the courses, and operational upon completion of the course.

As explained here, the three levels of credentials for our learners can be summarized in this table:


 Introduction to MEDDICFull MEDDICMEDDIC Certified™
CourseYes (mini course / 15 min)10 mini courses totaling 2 hoursNo Course
ExamsSelf controlled QuizNo ExamsExam Controlled by MEDDIC Academy
Visibility on LinkedInBasicAdvancedAdvanced
CredentialsNo Certificate (only the LinkedIn Alumni)Certificate of Completion for full MEDDICMEDDIC Cerified™
What does it meanThe person has a beginner’s understanding of MEDDIC but does not necessarily know how to applyThe person has spent over 2 hours attending full MEDDIC courses and learned how to applyThe person has been tested and MEDDIC Academy certifies that they have MEDDIC sales skills
Verifiable CredentialsNoneCertificate: Open Badges compliant, verifiable Authenticated Certificate (Accredible)Badge: Open Badges compliant, verifiable Authenticated Badge (Accredible)
PriceFree$497/year$697 (50% off during beta)


You are going to see the automated credentials in the coming weeks being implemented progressively. While for the MEDDIC Certification, we are now accepting candidates who will enjoy pioneers’ discount since we are finalizing the tests, while they’ll give us their feedback.

Interesting in getting MEDDIC Certified™ ? Contact Us today!

 Photo Credit: O. Lima 

Posted on June 14, 2019 in MEDDIC, MEDDIC Certified, News, Sales, sales enablement, Sales Management, Sales Methodologies, Sales Training

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About the Author

Darius Lahoutifard, founder of MEDDIC Academy is a Serial Entrepreneur and a former Executive at PTC and Oracle among other software companies. His latest company was Business Hangouts, a Google G Suite live broadcasting app, with millions of users, acquired within 3 years. He is interested and writes about entrepreneurship, startups, technology, enterprise software, SaaS, Sales Leadership, Management, Sales & Leadership Education including specifically the MEDDIC methodology, Marketing, Market Research and more.
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