Posts Tagged:Sales Enablement

What works best? call, email, text, or …?

Should you call or email? Whether you are in a customer facing role or simply professionally interacting with other people, I’m sure you have come across this question more than once: Should you call, text or email? This question has become even more present in our minds in the past few years, due to the…

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sales methodology

Sales Culture vs. Sales Methodology

Sales culture is a set of habits and behaviors of a sales team in a consistent way. That’s both internally and externally.

Photo Credit: Mark-Fayloga

A POC (or a POV) Is A Ceremony

What if I told you that a highly competitive POC (Proof of Concept), aka POV (Proof of Value), is more like The Presidential Inauguration ceremony than the NFL Super Bowl match? Think about it for a minute. Is a POC, a trial, or a pilot project in an enterprise sales context, a match between competitors,…

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MEDDIC trends

MEDDIC for sales job seekers

If you are looking for a new job in sales, you should learn MEDDIC. No, not because we are MEDDIC Academy, you should do so because it’s a must for many sales jobs. Here’s why: 10 out of top 10 Enterprise Tech companies use MEDDIC They use MEDDIC as a sales methodology. Those companies are:…

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Full MEDDIC Program Now Available Online

Until now, the Full MEDDIC program, composed of courses and a workshop, was only available in-person. But now you can do it all online! The full MEDDIC bundle, our most popular service, is still available. It allows everyone from the comfort of the office or home, to enroll and learn MEDDIC. Many corporations subscribe to…

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Announcing Live Online MEDDIC Workshops

Why Live Online MEDDIC Workshops? You may wonder why Live Online MEDDIC Workshop? As you know, MEDDIC Academy is committed to make high-end exclusive Enterprise Sales methodologies accessible to a larger number of sales executives, including those individuals with a personal initiative and commitment to learn MEDDIC. Until now we have been successfully delivering trainings…

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BANT banned

Should BANT Be Banned?

This week I was privileged to be invited to speak at a Sales Kick Off in Chicago and to spend time with a wonderful sales team. As we were reviewing qualification criteria from the sales rep’s perspective, a question was asked about BUDGET which is the B of BANT. My response was different than what…

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Is There A MEDDIC In The Area?

In addition to the courses that you can take online, we run extremely helpful MEDDIC workshops that we only deliver in-person for now. They help you learn how to apply MEDDIC on a daily basis and practice.

Metric without ROI

Metrics without ROI is Knowledge without Action

When training sales teams on MEDDIC, I observe that most sales people are not acting on the METRICS they obtain from the prospect. They are not leveraging the power of the METRICS into a nice, easy, convincing, pertinent ROI story. (Return On Investment).Metrics without ROI is as useless as Knowledge without Action.It’s like measuring your…

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Free MEDDIC Sales Course

The Course “Introduction To MEDDIC” Is Now Free!

The Course “Introduction To MEDDIC” Is Now Free! MEDDIC Academy was built to make high-end Enterprise Sales Education accessible to all. At any time, from the comfort of your office or home, you can enroll and learn MEDDIC. No need to wait for the next year kick off or even your company’s planned sales training session.…

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