Regardless of your political view, you would agree with me that 2017 was a year of division in many countries. Let’s put our differences aside and come together for a joyous and peaceful holidays season.
A French anecdote which is at the origin of the expression “Trêve Des Confiseurs” or “Confectioners’ Truce” is one to recount as you enjoy your festive meals. And no, it’s not about chocolate makers fighting with each other:
In December 1874, in France, after a difficult period of political debates between monarchists, Bonapartists and republicans on the future constitution of the Third Republic, all the groups in the French National Assembly agreed that the renewal of the year was not conducive to passionate debates. On this occasion the satirical press imagines the word “confectioners’ truce” (in French “Trêve Des Confiseurs”).
“At the approach of Christmas, by a kind of agreement between the congressmen, we do not raise irritating questions, which, disturbing the public mind, would hurt business. And even, in order to live better in peace, we give ourselves holidays. So, no matter how bitter you felt, during this break, the merchants of sweets, cakes, and chocolates, quietly make their little business. Confectioners jubilant, taking advantage of the suspension of hostilities in the House, and this tranquility they enjoy is called the confectioners’ truce”, wrote T. Pavot a few years later. (source: wikipedia)
Enjoy your family, your friends, your loves and the Chocolate.
Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas