Site icon MEDDIC ACADEMY: MEDDPICC Sales courses and Training


Is MEDDIC (or MEDDPICC®) for you?

MEDDIC Tool #1: Is MEDDIC a match with your type of sales?

Our first MEDDIC Tool allows you to take the short test below, answer a few questions to share your type of sales and have your MEDDIC matching score emailed to you instantly!

How Can I Measure How Solid Is My Deal, From A MEDDPICC® Perspective?

MEDDIC Tool #2: MEDDPICC® Score Calculator

One of our most popular MEDDIC tools is the MEDDPICC® score calculator. Subscribers to the Advanced MEDDPICC® course can now enjoy the new tool at the end of the course. It’s easy to use, just download your personal Excel format and flip the “no”s to “yes” as you progress in the account activities. You can also convert it back to Google Sheet for an editable version or use it with your other favorite spreadsheets. 

We also offer a light calculator for those of you who are not a subscriber.

MEDDPICC® Training ROI Calculator by MEDDIC Academy

MEDDIC Tool #3: MEDDPICC® ROI Calculator

Is our training worth the cost and the time spent? Try this ROI calculator and check it out for yourself:

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