Category Archive for: Sales Management

sellers with engineering background

Why Sellers With Engineering Backgrounds Are Successful.

When you think of tech salespeople and you think of engineers, you think of two completely different kinds of people, or you think of people like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. These two titans of tech and business may have very different personalities, but they have one thing in common that sets them apart from…

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Tokyo Olympics 2021-German judo athlete Martyna Trajdos and her coach


Sales coaching has become very popular in recent years, and it’s easy to see why. Studies have shown that companies with sales coaching programs boost their win rates by almost 30%. That rate jumps to over 40% with weekly 30-minute coaching sessions and more than 55% for reps who receive more than 2 hours of coaching per…

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Time Management

New Course: Effective Strategies For Time Management

Strategies for Peak Productivity: The Synchronicity of Time Management At MEDDIC Academy, we’re obsessed with sales productivity, and time management is a key part of it. So far, we have dealt with the most complex and most challenging part of sales productivity by leveraging the importance of QUALIFICATION. The book, Always Be Qualifying, became an…

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The MEDDPICC Leverage

The MEDDPICC Leverage

I have always been fascinated by the magic of LEVERAGE and want to share my view about how leverage applies to learning, particularly to MEDDPICC® sales training. The MEDDPICC leverage is about using the MEDDPICC® Sales Methodology and Training to achieve extraordinary results in a sales team, often unimaginable. The MEDDPICC® learning awakens the potential…

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Why You Should Never Ask About A Customer’s Budget

In Transactional sales, Budget is key In transactional sales with a short sales cycle and low value-added sales, it’s been prevalent to use the customer’s budget to qualify a sales opportunity. It makes sense. The budget is a crucial qualifier. The Budget is even a pillar of the framework for several older sales methodologies and…

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Everything you ever wanted to know about MEDDIC & MEDDPICC and never dared ask.

Well, maybe not exactly “everything” about MEDDIC & MEDDPICC, but quite an interesting interview ( in the form of podcast/video) with Steve Benson. Steve is an experienced leader in CRM and Sales Force Automation with a strong sales background obviously. So he asked me very pertinent questions. Our chat gave me the opportunity to share…

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MEDDIC Sales Kickoff : The Perfect Agenda

A MEDDIC Sales kickoff should be inspirational, short and valuable. I’m sure everyone agrees with that. But what is an inspirational event? For example, you might be wondering, “should we invest in a top-notch motivational speaker?” Or “should we take them to the luxury resort of their dreams?”  Time is your sales force’s most valuable asset.…

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sales methodology

Sales Culture vs. Sales Methodology

Sales culture is a set of habits and behaviors of a sales team in a consistent way. That’s both internally and externally.

Photo Credit: Mark-Fayloga

A POC (or a POV) Is A Ceremony

What if I told you that a highly competitive POC (Proof of Concept), aka POV (Proof of Value), is more like The Presidential Inauguration ceremony than the NFL Super Bowl match? Think about it for a minute. Is a POC, a trial, or a pilot project in an enterprise sales context, a match between competitors,…

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